Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Transforming Me...

Many people try to find the RIGHT label for mothers of our time. We have so many things going on that it is hard to find one label that fits. We are moms that take our children where ever they need to go. Support them in their effort to find where they fit in their world. We take care of the home with all the decor, cooking, ironing, growing green gardens, paying bills, handling the family business, taking care of the pets.

Then we have our own hobbies or projects...blogging, tweeting, being Apple Support for my family all over  the country. Genealogy research for the family and sharing the data. Reading, reading and more reading.

What have I done to transform me? Since December I have been really good about eating well, and exercising. I weighted myself to find out that I weighted 5 more pounds than I did when I started. Now, I do understand that muscle weights more than fat, but it was depressing. The last couple of weeks I have done some extensive family research, and even came across a family journal. That was something that I could not put down. I loved every word. I must confess for the last couple of weeks it has not been easy to exercise.

So now, back to it. I did lose those extra 5 lbs, so now I really want to get back on track of GOODNESS to transform my life. This year is my year to be a better me! Do you have a great method for motivation?

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