Monday, May 23, 2011

Jesuits and Skulls

I am a Roman Catholic. I was married in a Jesuit Church. I have seen so much erroneous information that we worship skulls and it is evil. This is just ignorance and arrogance. One phrase that is said over and over is "Find God in All Things, Find God in All People, Every Place, and EveryThing." I think in this modern age we forget how close death was to everyone even 100 years ago. People usually had several generations of people in one home or close in the same community. People died from simple infections, and disease spread through families quickly. More importantly the Masons were started after the Cathedrals were built. Yes, they were a group of people that were a guild, later they would grow to the establishment they are today. Even this group is not evil! They have a broader scoop of religious beliefs. I just don't understand why people are so quick to be judge others in such a harsh way. Religions all over the world have more in common with each other than differences, but some people just want to focus on something they construe as bad. Here are some images that the negative people focus on as negative.

Spiritual Exercises are one of the many things that Ignatius worked on in his life. If you are interested you could go here to listen to Spiritual Exercises. Ignatius was for education, keeping your body, mind and spirit tuned. At times when people had to stand for our faith they did, and some of those people died doing so. The crown upon the head of the skull is because this person was a Martyr. These people stood up for what they believed. Just because there are people around him praying does not mean they are worshipping a dead body or a skull. When people gather at a funeral they are not there to worship the person, they are there to remember the life they once lived. Sometimes skulls are all that is left of a Martyr. If the skull is brought out of a crypt is not being worshipped we are remembering that it has not always been so easy to be a Christian.

There are many images of St. Francis Borgia gazing at a skull.

Again we have the skull with a crown. St. Francis Borgia is remembering the life of someone that gave their life for Christians everywhere. Some other images of St. Francis with skulls

Here is St. Francis with a skull wearing a halo. The artist may have only wanted to hint at St. Francis and his adoration for Martyrs of Christianity.

St. Francis with a Martyr donning a crown on top of a book. The Jesuits were and still are to this day promoters of education. Behind St. Francis is a choir of angels and the Monstrance-Reliquary in the background.

This images almost seems to beg the question from St. Francis if we would be willing to be a Martyr for our faith. His eyes look right at us showing us that others have given their lives for us to have this freedom to participate Christianity.

Here again is St. Francis with a Martyr and a beckon on light in the background. I am guessing that this too is a Monstrance-Reliquary the light around it is the light on Christ. The light of Christ illuminates us in many different ways and variations for different people. Some people may feel moved to read the Bible more, while some people may be moved to help people, animals, or the environment. Why people have to criticise others for their callings is beyond me.

This is one of my favorites...
Here we have St. Francis is in a library, an appropriate place for a Jesuit. Jesuits were the founders of many Universities. Behind him is the crucifix to remind the viewer that Jesus died for all of us. The Monstrance-Reliquary is in his hand. A pen in the ink well. A reminder to all of us that writing is important. The skull of a Martyr, and paper  or maybe a letter in front of him. A letter to possibly to his good friend St. Ignatius?
   And the last one that I am going to show you...

A sculpture of St. Francis with a Martyr for Christianity. A book at his side to remind the onlookers how important education is to all of us. 

All of us need to educated ourselves before we jump to wild conclusions. Even fellow Christians are guilty of the same thing. The Davinci Code was a great book, and people were going mad over the contents. I read the book, and honestly...even if Jesus did have a child I would still be Catholic. I enjoy being a Catholic. I also enjoy reading a plethora of other materials that provoke thought. 

Thoughts do not equate evil. There are many ways to educate yourself. There are even so many ways to enjoy learning for free through iTunes University. Skulls don't equate with all thing evil either. There is beauty in so many things, and there is also God in all things. What are some ways that you educate yourself?

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